In the course of 20 years, the firm accumulated rich experience and knowledge in the various fields of the law and related legal and technical procedures, by representing local and foreign clients before all levels of courts in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Our experienced lawyers can appear before Magistrate Courts, Courts of First Instance, Courts of Appeal, Administrative Courts and the Court of Cassation (Supreme Court).

On behalf of our clients, we have appeared before courts in almost all kinds of lawsuits, including, civil, commercial, employment disputes, debt collection, administrative and criminal cases. Services include the preparation of notary public notices, statements of claim and defence and memorandums, filing lawsuits, cross-examination of witnesses and following up on all procedures required by law and presenting oral or written pleadings.

We have also developed all-encompassing experience in enforcing all types of pledges and other collateral deeds before the competent bodies, namely Enforcement Departments at the Courts of First Instance, which requires profound understanding of enforcement procedures, including appearing and representing our clients in public auctions.

Our expertise will ensure the highest quality of legal advice and representation provided to our clients. Services are diverse and determined on a case-by-case basis, and may include, strategic pre-dispute advice, injunctive reliefs such as precautionary seizures and urgent inspection, trial proceedings and all types of appeal litigation. Clients can rest assured that our lawyers will work closely with them and keep them constantly updated on the entirety of their lawsuits’ proceedings and decisions.

Contact us

P.O Box 950452 Amman 11195, Jordan

EN Tel:  00962777283333 - 00962772278888

AR Tel:  00962 6 5540456 - 00962771711111

Fax: 00962 6 5540459

Al Madina Al Munawwarah Street, Building 156, 5th Floor, Office No. 509