Property of Intellectual being an integral part of any individual or institution work, our lawyers throughout many years of experience realized the importance of this area of the law. We provide services that will ensure our clients are aware of their rights and privileges as stipulated under local legislation. Services include, by way of example, registration of trademarks, copyrights and patents with the competent authorities, namely the Ministry of Industry and Trade. We also assist our clients in drafting and reviewing various legal documents, which contain intellectual property provisions to ensure their privileges are preserved and safeguarded from any illegal use or utilization.

Contact us

P.O Box 950452 Amman 11195, Jordan

EN Tel:  00962777283333 - 00962772278888

AR Tel:  00962 6 5540456 - 00962771711111

Fax: 00962 6 5540459

Al Madina Al Munawwarah Street, Building 156, 5th Floor, Office No. 509