Practice of employment  is key to all our institution and individual clients. Thus, our lawyers are equipped with profound knowledge and experience to handle all types of employment related issues. We assist our clients and meet their needs on daily basis to ensure their compliance with local legislation and representation before all competent authorities. Services provided include the drafting of internal by-laws, employment contracts, confidentiality undertakings, full and final releases, notices and official letters addressing official institutions. Employment issues can become a burden for large corporations, our team will ensure clients obtain quality services, which may entail pre-litigation and litigation strategies to mitigate any potential financial risks in the future.

Services also include advice pertaining to wages, working hours (part time and full time employment), official holidays, end of service compensation, unfair dismissal, staff reduction, employees’ rights and benefits, paid leaves, unpaid leaves and maternity leaves, social security compliance and many other employment areas.

Contact us

P.O Box 950452 Amman 11195, Jordan

EN Tel:  00962777283333 - 00962772278888

AR Tel:  00962 6 5540456 - 00962771711111

Fax: 00962 6 5540459

Al Madina Al Munawwarah Street, Building 156, 5th Floor, Office No. 509