Our Firm provides legal advice to a number of banks and financial entities locally and internationally. We assist our clients in drafting and reviewing all contractual documents pertaining to financial transactions. We assist our clients in the drafting or review of loan agreements, promissory notes, syndicated loans and structured finance. Our Firm also developed expertise in the field of Islamic financing such as drafting or reviewing Murabaha agreements and Islamic bonds.

We also ensure compliance with local banking laws, regulations and instructions issued from time to time by the competent authorities, mainly the Central Bank of Jordan. On this note, our founding and managing partner Dr. Ibrahem Amosh served for four years as a member of the Central Bank of Jordan’s board of directors and has gained profound knowledge on matters pertaining to the regulatory nature of corporate governance in banks and financial institutions in Jordan.

Contact us

P.O Box 950452 Amman 11195, Jordan
Email: info@amoshlaw.com

EN Tel:  00962777283333 - 00962772278888

AR Tel:  00962 6 5540456 - 00962771711111

Fax: 00962 6 5540459

Al Madina Al Munawwarah Street, Building 156, 5th Floor, Office No. 509