Our lawyers provide a wide range of corporate legal services and advice to our clients founded on their profound knowledge and understanding of legislation governing this area of the law. Clients range from small to medium and large companies from a wide range of different backgrounds. The Firm regularly follows through mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and various types of investments.

Our expertise equips us to provide advice and services regarding compliance with national legislation, incorporation of numerous types of companies and advising on appropriate type and structuring, drafting Articles of Associations, issuing and filing of required documents and certificates from and with the Companies Controller Department such as board meetings and minutes, drafting shareholders agreements, share purchase agreements and management agreements.

Our Firm delivered legal services to entities from various sectors, including, financial services, telecommunications, manufacturing, utilities, real estate, construction, information technology, education, consumer products and aviation. With this kind of expertise clients are guaranteed to receive unique services in a timely fashion legally and procedurally to promote their businesses without any complications.

Contact us

P.O Box 950452 Amman 11195, Jordan
Email: info@amoshlaw.com

EN Tel:  00962777283333 - 00962772278888

AR Tel:  00962 6 5540456 - 00962771711111

Fax: 00962 6 5540459

Al Madina Al Munawwarah Street, Building 156, 5th Floor, Office No. 509