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According to Jordanian Bar Association Law No.11 of 2019 (“Law”), lawyers in Jordan are deemed as individuals who provide judicial and legal assistance for those who need for specific consideration. Lawyers’ services include representing and defending others before all different levels of courts, arbitrators, public prosecution departments, governors, notaries, administrative bodies and entities (public or private). Practice under the Law can be performed through regulating contracts and providing legal advice.

Lawyers in Jordan must be registered as members with the Jordan Bar Association (“Association”), which is a long established association since the 1950, the council of which is an elected body. In order for one to become a member, the Association stipulates for a number of pre-requisites. These pre-requisites include, without limitation, to be at least 23 years of age, have a law degree from a recognized university, have completed two years of legal training, paying the annual subscription fees and not to be working as a public sector employee.

In Jordan, lawyers cannot practice law whilst occupying a ministerial position or a public post. Lawyers cannot practice if they engage business or trade or occupy an administrative position in public or private company. Separately, fresh law graduates who wish to start legal training must register their names under a licensed lawyer with the Association. Law graduates are sworn in as lawyers following a ceremony held at the Ministry of Justice, before the Minister and Head of Association. Lawyers, who wish to train law graduates, must have five years of experience in practicing law.

On the corporate level, the Law imposes on certain types of companies to appoint a legal counsel within three months following its incorporation, otherwise financial penalties will apply. Example of such companies, are public shareholding companies, private shareholding companies and limited liability companies with share capital of more than (20) twenty thousand Jordanian Dinars. As a procedural step, entities must notify the Association within (60) days following the appointment of a legal counsel.

Certainly, lawyers in Jordan are expected to abide the honour and integrity principles and performance of all duties stipulated under the Law and any other regulation issued by the Association.