اختر لغتك
For the third time consecutively Jordan ranks 1st in the 'MENA Region' for investing in renewable energy as indicated by Bloomberg's Climatescope 2019 Index....
A Royal Decree was issued on June 25, 2019 summoning the Parliament in an extraordinary session on July 21, 2019 to deliberate a number of laws. Key draft...
The Court of Cassation ruled that printing name on cheques without being signed does not hold the person liable for the offense of ‘issuance of blank...
Under the patronage of the Prime Minister for a workshop organized by the Ministry of Justice, Property Law No.13 of 2019 (the ‘Law’) was announced and...
The Council of Ministers issued a decision approving to grant the Jordanian citizenship to foreign investors or a permanent stay, based on a number of terms...
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